Friday, October 8, 2010

Sweet Samarah

squash chestnut beauty 
Bragging on my sweet daughter is probably not what I am supposed to do. Most people would not. Having lost so many people in my life at such young ages, I don't ration my praise or my love according to what is acceptable to anyone else. I love everyone. If you happen to read my blog I probably love you too! I am so grateful for the people I have left. A few weeks ago, Samarah showed up at my house with this little Golden Book; Rupert the Rhinoceros and a little tea cup with Johnny Jump Ups on it. I collect children's books. She said that she got the tea cup because I told her a story about when I was a little girl. I wanted my momma to have a collection of tea cups. My grandmother had one and I wanted my momma to have one too. I began babysitting for fifty cents an hour and washing the neighbors windows to buy her these little treasures. I would go to Dixie Hardware and bring my two or three dollars and get them for birthdays, Mother's Days, Christmas or just when I wanted my mother to know how much I loved her. One day, after several years of collecting them, a young man came over to our house and accidently knocked over the cabinet in which they were displayed. Every one of the dozen or so were smashed to pieces. I was in shock. We all tried to make him feel better so it wasn't until later that I cried. Samarah brought me a tea cup and I love her for the thought. Last night I arrived at her house and Lilli came running up to me with these little fall squashes. I was so excited that Samarah gave these things to me. It may seem like a small thing to someone else. It is huge to me because I see so many relationships in trouble over small things. Things, that if I still had all the people in my life, that have passed on, I might not appreciate. I do appreciate the small, simple, beautiful things in life. Thank you, Samarah for being the best daughter a mother could ask for.

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